Creative Works



It's that moment
When you wake from the dream
Embraced by reality all bent
Everything is what it's seems

This was not the picture
Of who you imagined to be
Emoitions blended in a mixture
Joy, saddness, grief and being happy

Dreams of more
Then you find
With each open and closed door
You circle a pattern in your mind

Found love so empty
Life so bland and blank
Midlife so unhappy
As your heart sank

More and more goodbies
There is more than this
More than false hope and lies
There is moments of bliss

Yet the box of your success
Resides around you like a curse
No bliss, no one to miss
From good to worse

How to turn the table
How to be more than a waste of flesh
How to be able
Start anew and fresh

The door stands locked
You stand determined to try
Ambition will knock
Old life will die

To stand still
All becomes stagnet
You want to love, to feel
You want to be in the thick of it

You're in the moment
Time you wake to a new reality
No more time spent
Dwelling on what could be

Yet the darkness
Holds on tight
Like a sexy kiss
It's a struggle to fight

To change
It's that moment
It's real and so strange
As reality becomes unbent

Old patterns circle in your mind
Struggle to walk through the open door
Courage and desire you need to find
To have more

Otherwise you never truly feel
Never enjoy being in the thick of it
You will only stand still
Remaining stagnet


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