Creative Works



There is a calm rush
Over the hidden rage
There is a fierce hush
That enters into the next stage

Quietly you go about it all
Thinking you have control
Until you hit the wall
And are ready to blow

You take in the moment
And many more like it
You remain silent
You let your frustration sit

You try to detach
You try to wait it out
But the fire ignites the match
Out comes the emotional shout

You thought you had such control
You thought you could be positive
You thought you had a grasp on the toll
You thought you could be happy and live

While it simmered
It remained and built up
In hope your rage shimmered
Until you were fed up

Out it made its ugly self present
At the most in opportune time just then
Unaware how unpleasant
Until your see the effects of your rage dig in

Spattered in words of painful expression
On the one you directed it too
Guilt filled from your loud confession
Of how your are fed up and threw

Why act now
Why couldn't I have spoken
Communicated earlier somehow
But now my lover is left wounded and broken


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