Creative Works



They say there is no past as it is gone and there is no future as all you have is the here and now. However, sometimes reflection is where you need to be to grow and help you heal. Ignoring the pain or things that you don’t like is a way to get lost in the lies of a dream you want to come true. How can I make my dreams real if I don’t learn from the lessons of my past? I will be doomed to repeat a vicious cycle otherwise. Sometimes you have to go backward to move forward. I’ve learned however that once you learn the lesson that you can never unlearn it and your eyes are opened wide to see the truth as it really is. Not how you imagine it. When the heart beats it isn’t just a force of life. It’s a rhythm that sings through your soul. That reminds us we are alive and to truly be alive we must not skip a beat. We must embrace each breath and exhale into the moment of understanding we are more than this experience. Science says we are composed of energy. All things alive and objects. My tablet is alive with energy, the table it sits on, the ground my feet stand on. Everything is energy. Therefore we impact all things around us. We can embrace the positive or the negative of the engergy. Whichever we choose is our choice and the result of our thoughts will yield the life we live. Letting go for me is a step forward to moving on to a better life, to a better version of myself. For so long I stayed where I was comfortable like many unhappy people I know. Hum drum of daily routine. I would wake up, i forget to be grateful for my breath in and out. I venture through the cycles I know so well that are so routine that I don’t even realize I am doing it. I would zone out. Many times, even on my drive home from work. So much lost time. I look to those around me and I could see they were in the same self imprisonment I was. The black and white all around but every once in awhile I see color. It took me all this time to realize. I was monochrome. I was living in black and white. I was suffocated by the lack of color. I was blind to beauty of my own existence as well as the countless others around me. For most who don’t have a major event occur the awakening is not sudden. Its a gradual process. It took me years to wake up. Today the vibration of a new beat sang with each breath. Not only did my skin saturate with hues of beautiful colors but so did everything else around me. I saw the life that I was blind too. There was more inspiration around than I realized that followed the path of finding happiness and achieving it now. By being the embodiment of joy and following their passion. Why I couldn’t see it before is because we see only what we want to see. We hear only what we want to hear. I now hear the melody of life worth living. Today I wake up and I am filled with graditude. I am filled with love and surrounded by loving creatures such as my faithful pets. Loss has filtrated me in a variation of ways but I forgot before the loss was the joy. The joy remains if I want it too. Only I am responsible for my happiness, no one else. I live in joy in honor of those that passed away. I am a better version of myself thanks to all my relationships that ended. I stand here at a crossroad once again. I have faced many crossroads before but this time is different. This time I see the colors. This time I don’t worry about what’s ahead or what is behind me. This time I focus on the here and now and know each step I am taking is in the right direction. All there is, is this moment and in this moment I am excited as I am walking in the direction of what I am passionate about. I am here to live, to matter and enjoy the existence of the life I have been given. We all deserve the life we want. We all deserve to enjoy the life we live. To love fully, to forgive and let go to set ourselves free. To embrace a new day with new loving eyes. To love ourselves so we can love others and the life we live.
Naej Adnil

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