Creative Works



It's eye opening
Jaw dropping
End of hoping
Heart stopping

Suprise suprise
I was amiss
As now I realize
I'm alone in this

Many mind trips
From his words
Seduction of his lips
As I hung on to every word

I thought there
Was a we
But alone I stand here
Just me

I thought this was more
Than just cheeky fun
What a closed heart bore
I suppose were done

I enjoyed the affection
It flowed smoothly
Easily with our connection
But I suppose you were just not into me

I'm not broken
I'm not even upset
Just out spoken
Unwilling to forget

If I had known
You'd freak yourself out
Mind Blown
Over what were about

I wouldn't have tried
In fact I do recall
I pushed you to the side
You chased me after all

Now I'm left unclear
As to what exactly occurred
You were struck with fear
From your heart like a coward

Off you go to the ex
To repeat your misery
Enjoy the complex
As you had it simple and easy with me

I thought this was more
Than just cheeky fun
However you've closed that door
Now we are done

NaejAdnil(c)copyright 4.2.2010

1 comment:

  1. the combination of words take me back to relationships and thoughts of the past, almost automatically,
