Creative Works


The Room

"I told you to clean your room."
"I did." he said
"You are a liar digging up your tomb."
He smirked, "I know what if ..what if I made my bed?"

She remarked, "What if game?"
He smiled, "So I didn't but I'll say what if I did?"
She frowned at him, "Its not the same"
"Now go clean your room kid!"

"Robology." he said
"My messy choas makes sense to me
I'm just gonna again mess up my bed
Why not just let it be."

The mother looked at her child
Shaking her head
Knowing his spirit was wild
"Fine!" then she walked ahead

Into his room of disorder
She dare step in
She stood on the border
Between running away and deciding where to begin

"Perhaps we need to simplfy
Remove alot of your toys and junk."
The he asked "Why?"
She began "I will take it away put it in the trunk"

The boy exclaimed, "Leave it there!"
Wrappers, old pictures, old candy,
toys, papers, games and stuffed bears
Love letters from a girl name Mandy

"Mom stop it!"
He began to pout
She turned to him, "then you do it"
"Fine, please get out!"

Two hours passed on
To the mom's delight
The chaos was gone
And she had a clean room in sight


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