Creative Works


The Emotionally Unavailable Man

So I get to that point where
It no longer matters
It's just then that my fear
Comes to life and scatters

I think love is just a game
Only some win
For me it's always the same
It's ends as quick as it did begin

Then the door opened before me
There he stood
Vision becomes too blurry to see
I stand there misunderstood

Distance and walls
Faced before my heart with every beat
Then he calls
I sink and give in to my defeat

I began to reach out
Only to find he would recoil
Isn't this what love IS NOT about
My heart fighting my inner turmoil

I pull back
He begins to chase me
The common sense fades to black
I find I can't just be happy

He lacks the ability to use his words
Silent stares and change of subject
I have never felt so unheard
Marked by the word reject

I know I never did anything to feel so empty
It's a past before him I realize
It's some insecurity feasting in me
He awakes it and I am left to summarize

Days go by
Without a phone call
I think it's over with this guy
But then it rings and I fall

Back into the rhythm of confused space
With an emotionally unavailable man
I felt defeated in this space
I've done all I can

I am left feeling deflated
Unable to connect
I patiently waited
But him I could not affect

The way he did affect me
In fact I guess he didn't feel a thing
He never wanted more with me
Just the bata bing and bata bang

Emotionally unavailable man why
Why mark me with your kiss
I now say goodbye
And question what exactly is it that I miss


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