Creative Works


The Line that Flows

He is a strait line that flows
While I remain an abstract shape
Where he goes no one knows
While I am stuck between lines at my nape

Unique I thought I was until
I met him strait and narrow
Or north and south if he feels
He moves with the flow

But yet I'm constrained in a shape
None the less
Confined by human rules and red tape
Covered in my life's mess

So here he lays
I am left to wonder
If he chooses he leaves or stays
Not bent out of shape from his blunders

So perhaps the strait line is best
I think I need to know more
I will put him to a test
I lay next to his line on the floor

Without realizing
His line wrapped around my curves
It was quite surprising
As he moved and swerved

He had freedom to conform
To any which way
Any form
He choose that day

I may be a unique abstract
But my shape stays as it always has been
I lack
The ability to break free again and again

Confuse others on which way I may go
Perhaps I'm just a line and I need to try
Like him bend out of shape that I know
Shapes, abstract, tight, loose or wry

I am what I want to be
Go where I want to go
I am free
I am a curved, wavy, complete strait line that flows

His line next to mine
There we now are wrapped up together
We combine
To be something better

No longer caught
In a circle of a dimple
Who would ever thought
Free from something so simple

Now I wrap around and flow
I am what I want to be
I move fast or I can move slow
No more shapes to confine me

Entwined in a beautiful line
He and I as we move forward
Lyrical and rhythm combine
As we flow onward


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