Creative Adventurers

This site is a composite of the written word to provoke emoitions and thought in a unique way.


Twisting and Turning

Don't know where I am headed
Road is twisted and unsteady
I can't find my words
As I am left unheard

Searching eyes
Craving a taste
Left with only goodbyes
In my haste

Twisting and turning
Go the sheets around me
As I am burning
The burning devours me

My own place
The stories it could tell
Now an empty space
I know to well

Here again
Lips carressing skin
Same old dance
In a new romance

Take our chances
Exchange of glances
Brush of his skin
Leaving me burning

Twisting and turning
Go the sheets around me
As I am burning
The burning devours me

Intrigue me
With a new taste
Suprise me
With moments that won't waste

Your heart
Into a new start

Give me a fire
Light my heart
Ignite my desire
Set it to start

Twisting and turning
Go the sheets around me
As I am burning
The burning devours me


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