Creative Adventurers

This site is a composite of the written word to provoke emoitions and thought in a unique way.



She stands in the rain
As her heart yearns
She watches the moon wane
As she burns

Overcomes her heart
Among the mess
That kept them apart

She reaches out
She looks to him
Left with doubt
All too well she knows him

As he is too young to hold on
She slips away
As they watch the setting of the sun
Her heart sways

He tries to love her
Yet life pulls him away
He says to come over
Her lust leaves her with nothing to say

Time seperates their desires
Space inbetween
He reaches for her
His attempts are unseen

She stands in the rain
As her heart yearns
She watches the moon wane
Forever for him she burns

Naej Adnil © 2008

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