Creative Adventurers

This site is a composite of the written word to provoke emoitions and thought in a unique way.



I utter
the unheard
of each word

I stood
as long as I could

He glared
He fought

over what we shared
but he had been caught

Bad luck
Karmas swift kick
I was struck
My wounds I lick

Voices rise
Eyes widen
He spitted lies

Nothing to hide him

Eyes squint
As the pain surged
Heart bent
Memories must be purged

I lusted
I got lost in the moment
Now he's busted
Painful to smell his scent

We are now
I and you
I'll forget you

I walk
away from your mess
No more talk
Push away your caress

Your heart is black
Your words tainted through
I don't want you back
I just want to get over you

 Naej Adnil(c) 032010

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