Creative Adventurers

This site is a composite of the written word to provoke emoitions and thought in a unique way.


New Way Chatter

It’s a world
Of #NewWayChatter
Social media whirl
Into things that do and don’t matter
It’s an age of selfies
Group and BBF selfies
You and the dog selfies
You driving the car selfie
Everything is fb this
Twitter that
Communication seems amiss
It’s mainstream
Blinding overdose of words
So much technology mumbo jumbo screams
It’s hard to be seen let alone heard
Online market for business
Is booming and smart phones soar
Business for Facebook for that and this
What ever gets them more
My slim body tiny screen
Camera, phone, pc, tv, music, gaming
Social media link device
Has me over connecting
Im making friends through scrabble
Dating through an app
Speaking Turkish babble
Google search within a fingertap 
I’m loosing sleep
As my addiction is feed by technology
Time to post another selfie

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