Creative Adventurers

This site is a composite of the written word to provoke emoitions and thought in a unique way.


Customer Serverice

Odd sensations
Wrapped up tight
Building frustrations
Ready to fight

Drag dead weight
Of my two feet
The heat

Hot words
Heavy handed
Customers wanting to be heard
No there demanding

Telephone locked
Onto my merciless ear
Unable to block
The range of emoitions I hear

Hour by hour to be paid
To endure this chaos
Once upon a time I had it made
Now I take a loss

Reports set aside
As I hear out the folks
That eageraly confide

Their trauma
which sometimes is a lie
Writing down their drama
Listen to them I try

Down the isle
stride a step as I have begun
Pulling out the files
one by one

Digging deeper
To unfold
The truths of the keeper
of a job unsold


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