Creative Adventurers

This site is a composite of the written word to provoke emoitions and thought in a unique way.



Spinning as I fall
I stand alone surrounded
Hear them call
But I'm drifting and ungrounded

Smile wide
Across my face
My joy I don't hide
Until lover puts me in my place

Bubble burst splat
Dream fade
I fell flat
Love now a dark dark shade

Open heart
Then ripped apart

From his lips
Confusion sets in
Out his lies slip
And my ache begins

I unfold
As the truth is told
Painful words spoken

Truth not told
From the man whose charms
Now leaves me cold
Without the embrace of his arms

I refuse
To continue to hurt
To lose
Myself in the unknown lipstick on his shirt

I delete all
Refuse his call
My heart breaks in sections

I move forward in spite
of it all I try to forget
I struggle and fight
Away the pain and regret

I'm too good  for this
Heartbreak over a cheat
I refuse to miss
The lying deadbeat

I was at first on fire
Then without speech
Thoughts of slashing his tires
And spraying his car with bleach

But why waste another second
On a lost cause as you
When my new life becons
One better off without you

I sweep away your dirt
Now left cleaning your mess
Slowly fades away the hurt
As I begin to think of you less

Your so ready to burn
Treating love as a game
One day it will be your turn
Someone will break your heart just the same

As this wrong
You allowed to occur
Just makes me strong
Betters me to once again love and endure

I will once again smile wide
I will have a new love to embrace
Old and new friends to confide
As I once again find my happy place

Naej Adnil (c) copyright 2010

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