Creative Adventurers

This site is a composite of the written word to provoke emoitions and thought in a unique way.



I lay with a mark
Inside my shell
Deep and dark
In my own personal hell

It's spinning
No beginning
As my twisted thoughts possess

My own mind
Is my own enemy
Comfort I seek to find
Yet it never sets me free

Im staggered bent
I'm imprisoned by
Dark imprints
That will never die

Twisted wire
Is the pit in belly
Unignited desire
Wanting to be

Stepping with soars
Ripping through
My very core
As I begin anew

Cells scream
Breath out loud
Dream just dream
Pretend to walk proud

In these passing weeks
Darkness calls
Down my cheeks
Wetness falls

Time takes
My stillness
My heart awakes
As less

Pain surges
Words to be said
Confused within urges
Lost in my head

Numbness takes over me
I walk onward
Eyes blind to see
As I move forward

I step out
Air brushes my skin
Traffic all about
Taking life in

I am unglued
Changed in reality
My perspective is skewed
Unable to be

Darkness rid
The light in me
I can no longer see as I did
Living through this tragedy


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