Creative Adventurers

This site is a composite of the written word to provoke emoitions and thought in a unique way.


Unbind the Fear for Love

If only if it could be so easy
To love with no fear
No insecurities
To love you my dear

But echos wave in my thoughts
I cling on to
Past hurts where my heart was caught
As I become closer to you

It's not you at all
It's my self doubt and worry
My own past heartbreaks and falls
That now hold onto me

Like a web wrapped tight
I push and struggle through
For you my hope and desire fights
To welcome you

I breath you in
Like a new start
I have faith again
Feeling the joyful beats in my heart

Quiet the past that suffocates
The dangerous creative mind
False thoughts that intoxicates
Hope and heart beat to unbind

Muddle of incorrect perception
Should just think the best
Welcome you every time with positive reception
Time for my insecurities to rest

Settle the fears
Stand up tall
Allow myself to be loved and love you dear
Allow myself to fall

If only if it could be so easy
To love with no fear
No insecurities
To just unconditionally love you my dear


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