Creative Adventurers

This site is a composite of the written word to provoke emoitions and thought in a unique way.


Forward Stance

If only it were so simple
A click of a button
I would forget your dimples
I would forget the fun

I would forget the moments
That made me love you more
The seduction of your scent
Now I'm left closing my hearts door

Why is it so hard to let go
I know we don't fit right
I know
But regardless my heart holds on tight

Cheeks wet and stained
From tears of heartbreak
Memories are what remained
From the mistakes I did make

I thought a second chance
Would mean we would get it right
I didn't want to end our romance
I held on too tight

Now I let you go
I wish you well
I know
Only time will tell

If you were the best choice I made
Or if you were the worst
In time the memory of you shall fade
As well as my craving of you, my thirst

I wish it didn't hurt so much
To say goodby to you
To give up your touch
Give up us and what I knew

I know I have to grow
You were a lesson for me to learn
Now I know
But for you I still yearn

I wish the best in all you do
I will move on
But I will always love you
Even though your gone


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